Discover How To Build Lasting Prosperity For Your Family… Build Generational Wealth... And Increase Your Impact In The World Using These Proven Kingdom Strategies.

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…You need to redefine success, pass down your most important values, & create a wealth strategy that prioritizes long-term prosperity and Kingdom-centered impact.

Our documentary will show you how. Watch now to learn…

What most families (and their financial advisors!) are getting wrong when it comes to building and stewarding generational wealth.

Why the “plan” you have in place right now probably isn’t enough to ensure your family’s lasting prosperity—and what you can do about it.

Key mindset shifts to stop worrying that you’ll screw up your finances, family, or faith-based values system—and START making the lasting impact you really want to make with your money.

Who Is Eric L. Dunavant?

Eric Dunavant is a Mindset Disruption Strategist & Founder of Paradiem—a financial planning business that specializes in helping purpose-driven, faith-centered families craft financial plans that reflect their values and make a real Kingdom impact.

By challenging social norms and meeting his clients at the intersection of faith, family, and finance, Eric helps Kingdom-minded families move from obsessing over “Return on Investment” to understanding their true “Return on Intention”, so they can build lasting wealth in a way that supports their family’s long-term prosperity & reflects their deepest-held values.

With decades of financial expertise and thousands of families impacted, Eric is passionate about spreading his message of Kingdom-centered wealth building. He believes purpose-driven families like yours have a right to understand the true impact of the decisions you’re making today—so you can gain clarity, certainty, and peace around what’s waiting for your family tomorrow.

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Eric L Dunavant

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